After going through Shruti Balasa's YouTube videos over and over again during the initial phase of TailWindCSS 2.x, it finally struck us that TailWindCSS is the future of CSS utility classes. It has hence taken over Bootstrap.
We are adamant on using TailWindCSS for all future custom made websites.
Now there's way too many boiler-plate code for TailWindCSS commonly known as TailWind components which are easy to copy-paste into our projects.
Now, you may wonder ... we're copy-pasting code ? L0L, the world is now using ChatGPT and the likes for even basic queries which one should normally be able to achieve on his/her own. But we're in a race to infinity : Competition. And we're not an NGO. And neither we're researchers from academic institutions. Copy-Pasting is not bad as long as you understand what you're copying from and pasting into. So bottom line is, get ready-made TailWindCSS components from sites like TailWindUI and Flowbite and edit as per the requirements.